Changing Your Equation: Reaching Your Ideal Future Programs

Programs that are custom designed for you – for Individuals, Teams, and Organizations. You are unique, that’s why our Changing Your Equation programs are too!

For you, personally…

Are you frustrated with where you are headed in life? Ask yourself this one simple question: “Am I happy and confident that I am on the right path that leads to my Ideal Future?”

If the answer is anything less than a 100% confident “YES”, we can help. Our Changing Your Equation programs are proven to have helped others get on their path to their Ideal Future. By taking a personal, down-to-earth approach we will teach you how to determine where you are with your life elements today, the realities of life that you must take into consideration, and how to employ the change agents to lead a more fulfilling life – one that is moving toward your Ideal Future.

You are unique which is why, after a free initial consultation; we’ll construct a program that is uniquely crafted just for you. There is no need for you to go it alone. Having a personal guide will be like having a GPS for your life. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll adjust your path and make strides towards your Ideal Future. To get started, simply click the link and we’ll contact you with times for the free initial consultation.

For your organization…

At the core of every organization is its people. When they are actively moving towards their Ideal Future, they have significantly less distractions and stress. If they are out of alignment, all too often it is a great impact on their productivity and job satisfaction. Our Changing Your Equation program, specifically designed for your organization, will help your employees find the path they should be taking and bring them to a higher level of employee engagement.

It’s not rocket science to understand that when your team is flourishing, so is the organization as a whole. Progressive organizations understand this…that the wellbeing of the team is of paramount importance. Unfortunately, while many leaders want that type of culture for their employees, it may not be the reality of your situation.

To find out where your organization stands, consider these questions:

  • Do I see opportunities for my team to improve their relationships?
  • Is there room for the team to more fully understand and embrace the organization’s values and ethics?
  • Is the stress of their personal finances impacting their performance (it might be invisible to you)?
  • Does your team want raises and promotions even when their qualifications are lacking?
  • Are you looking for new ways to stimulate your team members’ career growth?

The more you answer “yes” the more your organization is under stress.

Final Question: where will you find the answers to all those questions? With our Changing Your Equation business programs, of course!

After a free initial consultation, we’ll construct a program that is uniquely crafted just for your organization. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your team will adjust their path and make strides towards their Ideal Future and have your organization headed to its Ideal Future too. Simply click the link and we’ll contact you times for the times for the free consultation.

Start Reaching for your Ideal Future Right Now:

Send an email with your Name, Phone Number and E-mail to [email protected].

Would you like to excel in your professional career and your personal life?

Roe Polczynski can help you. Her consulting firm, RD Advisory Group, offers the following services:


Leadership Development

Customized coaching for all levels of employees.


business organization

Planning and development for small to medium sized companies


personal progress planning

Helping you grow, advance and reach your goals


non-profit organizations

Specialized planning and development services for both beginning and existing non-profits