View #1: Employee’s Point of View

It is time to go.  You have reached the point that change must be made.  The job doesn’t suit you anymore and you don’t suit the job.  Maybe it was the environment.  Maybe it was the work.  Maybe it was you.  For whatever reason, change is imminent and you have to decide how you are going to handle it.

Decide?  Yes, it is a conscience decision.  It is your choice whether you leave a positive legacy or not.  Remember, you have two important points to consider – the moral and the tactical aspects.   If you follow your morals, you will leave knowing you did your best and held yourself to the highest standards.  In thinking tactically, you must consider the need for references, future contacts and even the potential need to return to the job.  Both aspects must be integrated into your exit strategy.

The first step in leaving a job is the understanding that you are leaving work you may or may not like, but you know it.  You leave your daily patterns and comfort zone.  You leave your…“friends.” 

So, where do you begin?  Well, obviously the first step is to inform your direct supervisor.  Not your co-workers.  Not your “friends.”  Your supervisor.  Like them or not, they deserve to know first.  It is generally best to write a letter of resignation.  Depending on the situation, it may not be an easy letter to write but in any situation be cordial, hold your opinions to yourself and wish the company future success.  The way you handle this first step sets the tone for your departure and your future relationship with the company.

Future relationship?  What future relationship could there be when you just turned in your resignation?!

The nature of the relationship may change but, tactically, the connection is always there.

First and foremost, the most obvious is the need of a reference and you certainly want your last impressions to be positive ones.  Next is the likelihood you would encounter past employers and coworkers in your local community.  It happens all the time.  You may be in a social or community setting or you may be in a business setting – a sales call, a vendor visit or even a future interview.  How comfortable would that be if you don’t successfully manage your exit strategy?

In exiting with grace, and yes, sometimes more grace than the employer deserves, you set the standard for those around you.  Clearly, you demonstrate higher morals and people do take notice.  It might be within your own family or with other members of your team.  The world is small and you never know who you will encounter at your next sales call, job interview or child’s event.  

However, your exit strategy doesn’t end there.  How do you handle your “job after-life?”  Do you fall into the negative undercurrent of others who have left?  Be careful, it does exist.  People you rarely spoke to or interacted with will suddenly be your best post-job friends.  The conversations will inevitably turn to the latest gossip from your past employer and the negative excitement of hoping they will fail. 

Consider this; is that really how you want to focus your future? 

Also consider how this could morally or tactically effect your relationship with your past employer. Rumors usually make their way back to past employers and if you think they don’t know you are part of the undercurrent, you are wrong. 

Why should you care? If you just spent your energy exiting with grace why would you ruin it by joining the undercurrent.  Let go.  Move on.  Focus on the positivity of your future rather than the negativity of the past.  It isn’t easy but it is the right thing to do and don’t be afraid to ask for guidance.  RD Advisory Group isn’t here just for businesses – we are here to help you too.  There are always multiple views to the same situation and we can work with you to achieve the best outcome for your future and ultimately your success.

Now speaking of other views…this is actually the first in a short series.  View #1 is from the employee, next up will be the view of the same situation from the past employer.  Stay tuned and as always, stay positive!

Thank you for joining me on this journey.   Comments and questions are welcome.  For more information on an assessment of your current business functions visit our Services page.

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