The Day Someday became Today!

You have to start somewhere As with most success stories, the beginning usually comes about in a very unexpected way. This was definitely the case with a local dog groomer, Tyler. As Roe would bring her puppy to a local large retailer for pet services, her favorite trainer/groomer would always say, “Someday, when I’m a Vet.” Month after month, “Someday” was Tyler’s theme. Now, if you know Roe, that will… Continue Reading

Know more about your employees than just their name!

Several years ago, I started a blog called Managing Business Acumen.  Though I loved writing it, the audience never seemed to take root and eventually it fell by the wayside.  Yet, here is another attempt.  Why?  What is that motivation that continues to drive me?  There are very simple answers: To be heard; To make a difference in the lives of others: To promote positive cultures in business.  This new… Continue Reading